The Authentic Inner TRansformation Journey

Leave Deep-rooted mechanisms Behind And Re-write Your Inner Script:

Join the 3-Day Shadow Work Group for Inner Transformation

Discover, Heal, And Rise:

Discover, Heal, and Rise:

+ Your Inner Transformation Journey Starts NOw

Does this sound familiar?

Do you wake up feeling shackled by repetitive patterns that seem to hijack your chances at a fulfilling life?

Do haunting past traumas and emotional barricades create roadblocks on your path to growth and happiness?

Remember, you're not navigating this struggle alone.

At first glance, life might seem to be on course, yet deep within, there's an undeniable sense of being held back by the shadows of your past.

These recurring cycles and emotional barriers hinder your journey towards the life you yearn for.

The weight of these burdens affects your relationships, your aspirations, and your pursuit of genuine happiness.

You yearn to break free from these patterns, to liberate yourself from the chains of past traumas, but the path to healing seems elusive.

You once envisioned a life brimming with potential and fulfillment, free from the haunting grip of past experiences.

Walking away from this vision seems unthinkable, despite the toll it takes on your well-being.

But what if there's a way to confront these shadows, to unravel the patterns, and to step into a life where these barriers no longer dictate your existence?

Discover the Depths of yourself

Ever Find Yourself Wondering Any Of These Questions?

  • Why are patterns and habits keep recurring in my life?

  • Why am I so unsettled when everyone else around me seems to already have it figured out?

  • Isn't it time to follow what I have been feeling for a while?

  • Where do I even start? And if I DO start, will I be seen as weak or overly sensitive?

  • What past experiences or traumas still hold power over me?

  • How do my past emotional wounds influence my present behavior?

  • Why do I keep overworking?

  • What fears or limiting beliefs are holding me back from pursuing my dreams?

  • How can I know what to do when I have no clarity?

Hi, I’m Mounira Latrache,

and I used to ask myself the same questions.


I had a successful career with a sought-after position in a large corporation, and I loved being able to be a part of a global team. From the outside, I was living the dream.

But on the inside, I was struggling with the company’s structures and culture. 

I didn’t enjoy the office politics and lack of trust among coworkers. It felt like everyone was always elbowing each other around to manuever themselves into a higher status.

Something about it felt off and against my values, and it became more and more difficult to feel like I could be successful in my career without feeling like I had to put on a mask or hide who I truly was or how I was feeling about those things.

I felt lost, powerless, and small. I couldn’t change the company culture because that wasn’t my role. I didn’t know my own next steps. How could one little person like me have an impact? How would I stay true to who I was and how I wanted to interact with others?

Over the course of 15 years, I dove deep into inner transformation, mindfulness, and shadow work. It was all about uncovering those hidden mechanisms and embarking on a soulsearching adventure to find my authentic self.

Let me be real with you, it wasn't an easy road. But the epiphanies I had along the way, connecting the dots and changing everything, were mindblowing.

And Here's What I found out

True change starts with understanding our own patterns and shadows.

Shadows, are the doorway to your most profound transformation.

They are the hidden aspects within ourselves that we need to shine a light on. It's about lifting the curtain on our conditioning and allowing that beautiful light to filter through.

Trust me when I say that true freedom, inner peace, and authenticity lie within us.

We don't need anything outside of ourselves to feel that way.

* If we can take people with zero experience in launching, and have them completing a launch - full copy, design, funnel tech and more... we can help you too.

That’s When Things

REALLY Got Interesting...

So, here's what I've been up to since I discovered the importance of understanding shadows and conditioning.

Trained to become

  • a yoga teacher

  • a mindfulness instructor

  • an mindfulness-based emotional intelligence facilitator

  • and a psychospiritual Shadow work guide.

  • I've been integrating mind and spirit for deeper self-awareness and healing.

Let me tell you, it's been a wild ride. But more importantly, since then, I've worked with over 30,000 people to uncover what's holding them back and help them step into their power and release the blockages of old mechanisms.

The way it has changed people's lives, my mind is blown...

Now, I'm sharing this story with you because I know how it feels to be trapped and overwhelmed by the demands of daily life. Trapped in a system that perpetuates power games. Trapped in dysfunctional relationships. I've been there.

But here's what I've learned: true transformation isn't about quick fixes or superficial bandaids. It can get messy, but it leads you to your own truth, where you no longer have to wear a mask or please anyone.

Embracing shadow work isn't just some practice, it's a powerful journey of self-discovery and liberation. And I'm here to tell you that it's time to break free from the cycle of exhaustion, rediscover your authenticity, and create a life fuelled by passion, purpose, and joy. Are you ready for that?

That's why I want to invite you to join my 3-Day Shadow Work Group. We're going deep into the realm of shadows, unveiling those patterns and beliefs that have been holding us back. This is about real transformation, where you'll find guidance, align with your soul's purpose, and gain clarity about what you truly want in life.

In this group, we're making the changes we've been longing for, finding inner peace, and elevating our energy levels. This is your moment to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Take that first step towards liberation and join me in unraveling the mysteries of your shadows and rewriting the narrative that's been holding you back.

Trust me, my friend, there's a whole new world waiting for you on the other side. Remember: Shadows, are the doorway to your most profound transformation. Ready to dive in and create the life that lights up your soul? Sign up now and let's get started.


Mounira Latrache

The Application helps me to understand who you are. My shadow work groups are intimate small groups that are supposed to be safe spaces. That is why I am asking you questions and that is why we will have a short call after that. To make sure that this will be a safe space for you and all the people that are joining this work.

Inner Transformation Is The Key To

Understanding Yourself Better So You Can Transform Repeating Patterns, Clear Blockagesalign with your values, and re-write the narratives that no longer serve you.

I could see through my own limitations!

""This program gave me the possibility to go on my own transformative journey - today I feel so much more connected with myself and my inner truth. And I pay more attention to the decisions in life that support the the dream life I want to live."


"Shadow Work is the path of the Heart Warrior"

C.G. Jung

And No Matter Where You Are In The World …

No Matter What Your Situation Is Like …

Now You Can Go into a Deeper Inner Transformation Journey Based On What I learned Working With Tens Of Thousands Of People Worldwide From The Comfort & Safety Of Your Own Home – This Group is Live on Zoom.

* If we can take people with zero experience in launching, and have them completing a launch - full copy, design, funnel tech and more... we can help you too.

That is why I created the

3-Day Shadow Work Group

Embracing shadow work isn't just some practice,

it's a powerful journey of self-discovery and liberation.

And I'm here to tell you that it's time to break free from the cycle of exhaustion, rediscover your authenticity, and create a life fuelled by passion, purpose, and joy.

The 3-Day Shadow Work Group is a 100% live online program inspired by the groundbreaking teachings of some of my most amazing teachers and mentors combined with what I learned in my shadow work trainings, and from studying multiple inner transformation disciplines in the past 10+ years

Walking the Shadow Work Journey with me will equip you to show up authentically, truly let go of patterns, childhood conditioning and free yourself from the old version you used to be. And that’s not all. Once you grasp these concepts and do the deep work on you, you’ll be able to step into your own purpose journey and be of service for our planet.

And now it’s never been easier to dive in! We will meet live in a small group and do the work together.

You’ll learn everything you need be able to:

Do you Feel the Call?

  • Understand Yourself and Impact Your Conditioning Has

  • Gain clarity

  • Gain Emotional Literacy So Your Feelings

    Don’t Rule

  • Re-write your story

  • Understand the Root Cause of Overwhelm & Overcome It

  • Clear Blockages and Move Past Difficulties & Autopilot Behaviors

  • Truly let go of

    Deep-Rooted Patterns that hold you back

  • Break free from the cycle of repeating patterns

  • Rediscover your authenticity

  • Understand Your own Purpose

    and Unique Contribution better

  • Become A Change-Maker! And Be Of Service For Something bigger

The Application helps me to understand who you are. My shadow work groups are intimate small groups that are supposed to be safe spaces. That is why I am asking you questions and that is why we will have a short call after that. To make sure that this will be a safe space for you and all the people that are joining this work.

Here’s What’s Included

3-Day Shadow Work Group

You Go Deeper In...

  • Understanding your conditioning

  • Seeing through the veil of your shadows without spiritual bypassing

  • Going through life taking your own decisions rather than being driven by conditioning

  • Creating different more healthy relationships

  • Increasing awareness and deeper understanding in what blocks you

  • Releasing old individual and collective pain or trauma

  • Gain clarity what is really going on in life and what parts of your experience are based on shadows

  • Clarity about your own boundaries - and your healthy NO

This Course Is Perfect For You If …

  • You want to escape a difficult (or even toxic) work environment, but you don’t want to endanger your finances by leaving the position you’ve invested so much in and worked so hard for.

  • You’re a high-performer, but feel like you’re stuck in a non-stop, high pressure atmosphere where performance is the only thing that matters, and you don’t like it.

  • You want to integrate Female Leadership qualities and know how you can overcome your conditioned behaviour and integrate your sensitive leadership skills to serve others in the most authentic way

  • Your calendar is jam-packed with appointments and commitments that leave no time for you to actually enjoy your life … but you feel like in this economy you have to keep up or be left behind.

  • You never have enough time to spend with loved ones, reflect on what matters to you, operate in your creative flow, or experience joy and meaning in what you do.

  • You practice yoga and/or mindfulness and meditation, and you love the way they’ve impacted your personal life, but you’re not sure how to apply it to your work.

  • You’ve had to learn how to be tough to survive in the working world, but although you’re ready to let your softer side show, you don’t want to be seen as weak.

  • You have issues in Relationships that keep repeating themselves and you want to end that cycle.

  • You are always the one who takes emotional responsibility for everyone around you, you are sensitive, and empath but it became a burden.

  • You need an accountability partner that supports you to prioritise what is deeply meaningful for you.

  • You feel caught up in old repeating mechanisms or stories in your life

  • You feel stuck in old trauma although have done a lot of work

  • You notice triggers that lead to acting out

  • You feel like constantly pleasing others and have a hard time with boundaries

  • You carry unresolved feelings (frustration, anger, or fear) that show up physically eg. lack of energy, pain

  • You feel like you need more clarity as to how to proceed in your life

  • You want to increase your consciousness and dive deeper in your inner work

  • You are deeply committed to go beyond your shadows and spiritual bypassing

  • You care about our planet and about values that honour the human, a heart-centered way of being.

  • You want to be more in community with a strong group of women change-makers tat have your back while you navigate your life.

You will be going into...

An intimate a deep journey of exploring yourself

A safe space that will be held for you by Mounira who will be at your service.

Doing this work in this unique time of transformation

3 Day Shadow Work Journey includes

Live Shadow Work Group Sessions

Live 3-Day Group Journey that give you space to learn and grow, share your own experience, ask any questions that you need to have answered related to your own journey and receive personal coaching and learn from the process of your fellow group members.

In all my years of deep inner Transformation and Shadow Work I found that the most powerful experiences came from being in a group setting of like-minded people who want to let go of old mechanisms as much as you do.

The group work will be very experiential - meaning whatever you learn will be guided by deep sessions to get a deeper understanding beyond the mind, one that you will not forget but that will be embodied.

Personal 1:1 Shadow Work

When you sign-up to this program you will have space for your own deep 1:1 work with Mounira, where you can uncover your own blockages, deeply rooted mechanisms, relationship challenges or anything you bring to the group.

Mounira will spend a lot of time with your personal story and answer your personal questions while doing very experiential group work.

Learn about Shadow Work

You will learn a lot about shadow work and gain tools to keep doing the work long after this course has finished. You will receive basic knowledge and through the experiential journey right away implement it

  • 1:  3 Day Shadow Work Live Coaching Group Sessions

  • 2: Personal 1:1 Shadow Work

  • 3:  Foundations of Shadow Work

Next Groups

English Zoom: March 29-31 2024

German, Berlin: April 10-12 2024

The World Needs this

Apply Today!

The Application helps me to understand who you are. My shadow work groups are intimate small groups that are supposed to be safe spaces. That is why I am asking you questions and that is why we will have a short call after that. To make sure that this will be a safe space for you and all the people that are joining this work.

Money Back Guarantee

I believe so strongly in the training, coaching, and support inside this shadow Work Group, that when you enroll, you’re backed by my 100% Risk Free, No-Questions-Asked Guarantee. If you attend the first day of the live session and it doesn’t support you and help you understand where you feel stuck and have a deeper understanding of your mechanisms, just email me at, and I’ll refund you 100% of your investment.

About Mounira Latrache

Mounira Latrache is an Inner Transformation & Shadow Work Mentor who helps change-makers learn the skills for inner transformation so that they can create a New Paradigm that serves Humanity, promote Social Justice, and serve the Planet. She brings 20+ years of leadership experience at international brands like Google, Red Bull, and BMW.

After serving as one of the members of Google’s mindful leadership community, its success led her to train teams at companies around the world. To date, she has worked with and mentored more than 30,000 business pioneers, leaders and change-maker entrepreneurs and trained hundreds of teachers globally.

Today, Mounira is the co-founder of Connected Business and an internationally certified Search Inside Yourself trainer. Her mission is to empower change-makers to shift into The New Paradigm that incorporates new ways of co-collaboration to create a world that serves the next seven generations to come.

let's talk about the results

Here’s What Some of My Amazing Clients Say About Working With Me.

A path that I had previously considered radical, risky and out of reach now feels exciting and definitely achievable!

"Mounira has supported me through some of the most challenging decisions that I have had to make in my career and personal life.  Using intuitive, skilful approaches (and limitless patience!) she has helped me dissolve deeply ingrained conditioning that had been holding me back from meaningful change.  I now have a clear vision that I am making tangible progress towards."

Adam K, Managing Director, global investment bank

"Before doing the mentorship with Mounira I felt lost. I was looking for a purpose that would give value to my life and the business I am starting to build. Working with Mounira for the last few years was life changing.  I could find so much clarity in what truly matters to me and where I want to go in business. I have worked with a lot of coaches and Mounira is by far the best. She has the ability to dive really deep and hold space for whatever comes up"

Ciara Frey, Integrative Coach

How was your journey?

* If we can take people with zero experience in launching, and have them completing a launch - full copy, design, funnel tech and more... we can help you too.

The depth gave me a better understanding of who I am and what I want in life!

"This program has not only helped me to gain clarity about my purpose and my strengths, but also to recognise my fears and blockages and resolve them. A very special moment after one of our sessions connected me so deeply with who I was deep inside and gave me so much clarity so that I could immediately take a decision that felt hard and difficult before."

Alexandra Reyes, Deutsche Bank

I Wanted to change my Role and Become an Ambassador for Mindful Leadership

"I underwent the programme with Mounira at a time when I was contemplating making material changes to my working life but struggling to put my various thoughts into actions. Two years later, it feels like the most natural thing in the world to be living out the life that - when I started working with Mounira - was merely a distant dream. Mounira is a natural coach, leading from the heart, oozing warmth and energy. ”

- Derek Campbell, Lawyer

"This program gave me the possibility to go on my own transformative journey - today I feel so much more connected with myself and my inner truth. And I pay more attention to the decisions in life that support the the dream life I want to live." - Jennifer Pfister


"Mounira combines her coaching style with diverse sources of knowledge like systemic coaching, yoga and mindfulness knowledge and also her extended own business experience walking this journey herself that she share so honestly. I felt I was receiving exactly what I needed, while being so inspired by her authentic way of being she motivated me to find my own self esteem and unique way. - Luisa Elsig


"For those who truly want to find their own gifts, put yourself into Mounira's hands." - Rojda Todsun


"Through Mounira’s program I realised, how much potential in us humans exists and that it is worth going “unknown” paths that lead to an authentic life in harmony with my own values" - Loubna Doudouh


"The moment I joined the annual Business Program I knew it was the right decision. With Mounira`s help, I could find so much clarity in what truly matters to me and where I want to go in business. I have worked with a lot of coaches and Mounira is by far the best. She has the ability to dive really deep and hold space for whatever comes up. With her experience and her gift to closely listen, she's able to tap into your inner thoughts and formulate the root cause and suggest ways to work through difficulties. She is warm-hearted, has a great sense of humour and is truly inspiring. The words and expressions in this review do not serve justice to what I learned and experienced. She impacted my life in ways I did not expect, she provided knowledge and skills that were above and beyond my expectations. Mounira will be a part of my life as I continue to grow as a person. I am truly grateful for this program and can only highly recommend it to everyone who’s willing to do the work." - Ciara Frey

The Application helps me to understand who you are. My shadow work groups are intimate small groups that are supposed to be safe spaces. That is why I am asking you questions and that is why we will have a short call after that. To make sure that this will be a safe space for you and all the people that are joining this work.

Are You Ready To Thrive In Your Life?

Shadow Work Is An Important Key!

What are Shadows?

You know how we sometimes say about something we did, “I don’t know what got into me?” Or how we sometimes feel like we’re being run from “behind the scenes” or sense something but only see it once a situation is over?

At such times, it’s very likely that our shadow is in charge. So what is a shadow?

There’s a dimension of us — all of us — that contains what we don’t know or don’t like or deny about ourselves. And what is this place? Our shadow.

The degree to which we don’t know our shadow is the degree to which it influences, controls, runs us.

That makes shadow work not just another spiritual practice or therapy method but truly a foundational work.

Our increasingly perilous times call for us to wake up, to face and know our shadow very well, working with it in enough depth so that it no longer can run us.

The more that we ignore our shadow, the more it dominates — and operates — us, both personally and collectively, with disastrous consequences.

To meet and illuminate it, to relate to it skillfully, to make wise use of it, is a great gift to one and all. Given the state of the world, this work will profoundly support us to step into the New Paradigm.

Intensive program

This transformative 3-day online intensive will help you discover what blocks you and what makes you come alive and how to grow closer to the life that is deeply meaningful to you.

Together, we’ll dive deeply into the following 6 areas and more:

Inner critique



Childhood Conditioning

Spiritual Bypassing

Essence - Who you truly are

Apply To join The 3-Day Shadow Work Group

Apply Today!

The Application helps me to understand who you are. My shadow work groups are intimate small groups that are supposed to be safe spaces. That is why I am asking you questions and that is why we will have a short call after that. To make sure that this will be a safe space for you and all the people that are joining this work.

You’re Covered By My

100% Risk Free, No-Questions-Asked Guarantee

I believe so strongly in the training, coaching, and support inside this shadow Work Group, that when you enroll, you’re backed by my 100% Risk Free, No-Questions-Asked Guarantee. If you attend the first day of the live session and it doesn’t support you and help you understand where you feel stuck and have a deeper understanding of your mechanisms, just email me at, and I’ll refund you 100% of your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this course different from the other things I’ve tried that haven’t helped me?

To be honest, I don't think that what this course gives is any better than what you have done before, it is just different - based on what I have learned on my journey. For example Yoga and therapy are a great foundation, and the question is how can we directly connect those with the challenges you face.

I’ve worked in corporate environments for years. I understand the male-dominated atmosphere and the high-pressure environment you face. I have done inner transformation work for more than 10 years. The Shadow Work Group is different because it takes the concepts I learned from all those experiences into one deep transformation journey.

Bottom line: the course connects the topic of self development and inner work within the context of real life situations. Clients have shared they found their insights eye-opening even if they’d already had lots of experience with self-development.

I feel so lost all the time. Can this really help me?

Yes! This group will help you understand emotional blockages on a deeper level and feel freer and more empowered in your choices. By understanding what “runs” us and implementing the tools you’ll become inspired and happy in a way that’s not dependent on your external circumstances.

By the time you’re through the course, you’ll have the keys to be able to:

Connect to a meaningful life, leave the power game behind, and step into your power, no matter the circumstances

Choose to stop being stressed and overwhelmed by circumstances

Have so much more clarity.

Go your own way and still be successful without relying on “fitting in”

Inspire others. Be a changemaker.

How much time will I need to invest in this course?

This is a live course with sessions over 3 Days. This is all about a transformational experience and that needs you to do the work and not only understand the concepts of it. Those 3 Days will be deep and connecting, my recommendation is to really create a space like a retreat to go into the work fully.

What if nothing in my situation or environment changes. Will this still work?

Yes. Inner Transformation helps you by helping you to create change inside yourself first. Everyone has a sphere of influence, even if it is small. How you show up, follow your path, and live your purpose has more of an impact on your environment and those around you than you may realize.

But even if nothing on the outside changes, this group will give you the tools and training to create shifts that make a difference on the inside, and that’s what’s truly important. You can find fullfilment, peace, and joy right where you’re at!

I’m new to the idea of Inner transformation and Shadow Work. Would you recommend this course?

Yes, this course is a great fit for self-development beginners and those more experienced. The Shadow Work Group will meet you where you are right now and we will work from there.

Can I book this course as a self-development expense through my company?

Yes, please get in touch with, and we well send you an official invoice.

How much is the Shadow Work Group?

The tuition for this course is Early Bird 800 €

3 Days group Shadow Work Zoom Sessions

Personal 1:1 Shadow Work with Mounira

Foundations of Shadow Work

I cannot afford the tuition, can I still join?

Coming from a family of guest workers, I know that not everyone has the same financial situation. I have worked hard to pay for all my education, and I know what it means to never have any support from the family but instead needing to support your family. My intention with this work is and has always been to make it accessible for all people, no matter the background or financial situation. That's why this course and all courses I have ever offered always have an option for scholarships or payment in multiple times. If that is the case for you, please note that in your application form.

At the same time your payment is on an energetic level a way of commitment, so I ask you to really go deep into the question how much you want to invest.

If you can pay in full or even more than that you will contribute to someone else with less resources to join.

What will happen when I fill in the application for The 3-Day Shadow Work Group?

When you fill in the application you will receive an email soon after with the invitation to an personal call with Me. I want you to feel that this is the right thing for you before you sign up, so in this call I will ask you some questions and you are also invited to ask you own questions. At the same time the call is there for me to put a safe group together and to make sure I am the right person to support you.

Once you enroll, I’ll send you an email with instructions on how to get started. If you don’t receive an email, please write to and we’ll make sure you get connected.

The Application helps me to understand who you are. My shadow work groups are intimate small groups that are supposed to be safe spaces. That is why I am asking you questions and that is why we will have a short call after that. To make sure that this will be a safe space for you and all the people that are joining this work.

* If we can take people with zero experience in launching, and have them completing a launch - full copy, design, funnel tech and more... we can help you too.